“A Day At The Beach,” by Maria A. Gardner.

My Birthday Wish

Today is yet another reminder that you are no longer by my side.
I think about you the moment I wake up from the time I go to sleep.
Your smile, I now see in my dreams.
At times, I wish to stay asleep.

The footprints that mark the sand are single steps.
The mark you made is on my heart.
Although it cannot be seen, it does exist.
As I listen to the wind, I long to hear your voice.
I remember the warmth and love we shared.
The waves are crashing as the tide is rushing in.

I long for you to take my hand.
My hand is cold and lacks love and belonging in this dark world.
As I stand along the beach, longing for your embrace.

The embrace I long for is gone. The love I long for is gone. I sit solo with the waves crashing in, longing for something I will never have.

Today is yet another reminder that I am older and you are frozen in time.
Will you still want me when we meet again and I am frail and gray? Will you smile at me the same?

As I close my eyes and hear the waves, I listen to my heart and hear you whisper my name in the wind. My birthday wish is you. It will always be you.

If My Balloon Reaches Heaven

I have a message for you:

A list of all the times I told you, “I love you,”

A thousand times is not enough

All the things I wanted to say, yet thought I could tomorrow

All the times, I should have said, “I’m sorry,”

Or the times I should have let you have the last word

My dreams and all the wishes that will never come true

I will never share your last name

Nor grow old with you by my side

The ache in the pit of my stomach, every time I hear your name

Is more that I can write on this notecard

I close my eyes and kiss the card with fresh lipstick

When I close my eyes, I picture your loving face

Like a snapshot in my mind

I see your bright eyes, and the smile you gave only to me

I know red was your favorite color

I watch it rise on this gray and cloudy day

The red is vibrant, yet it does not hurt my red puffy eyes

There is a gust of wind and I button my coat

It rises higher and higher